Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Goal Weight Wear

I found it!  I found the motivation for the weight loss!  You know, besides regaining my health & energy and living longer.  I always have this goal weight outfit sitting in my closet that I stare longingly at, but why stop at an outfit?  I found a BATHING SUIT!  Now, I'm a super nerd.  I didn't always let it show.  In high school I just sort of existed so that I wasn't the center of attention, but people didn't hate me.  Once I met my husband, a D&D and World of Warcraft super geek, I learned to let the geek hang out.  So I started collecting fairy statues (which now sit in a box in my garage because glass and toddlers don't mix), watching Lord of the Rings religiously and obsessing over Harry Potter books and movies.  I also rekindled my love for Star Wars.  With that said...I give you the goal swimsuit!

This swimsuit is available HERE

It's a good thing I'm married, because this bathing suit screams "real life doesn't suit me" in cool people beach language.  No man would ever go near that...unless equally geeky.


  1. I wish you luck. I would kill to lose the last 18lbs of my pregnancy weight. I know that I can do it but life is so hectic and I don't ever seem to squeeze exercising in no metter how hard I eat well and want to exercise. I hope that you fit into that swimsuit!
