Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Begining

Hello!  I'm Crys.  I'm a normal American girl contributing to the obese population.There are many reasons that people are obese, but since this is my blog, mine is the only one that matters.  My reason?  I LOVE's that simple.  I don't emotionally eat or eat to replace that missing piece in my puzzled life.  I actually just ate that missing piece of cake!  Food, to me, has always been more than just fuel for my body.  I love it for all of it's tasty goodness.  in Disney's Ratatouille, Remi takes a but of a strawberry and another of cheese and the flavors mixing made fireworks!  It changed him.  That's me...I'm a rat that has been changed by the yumminess of food.  That's always been the reason I have such a hard time dieting.  Oh, and please spare me the "Dont' diet; change your way of life" crap.  It's diet to me, ok?  Anyway, the tastes that I love are just not there in dieting.  So I adopted an "I'd rather be fat and happy than skinny and obsessed with calorie counting".  So how's that working out for me? Well, I'm fat.  I'm Happy, too. I'm not, however, happy with being fat...makes sense?  I realized that I'm freaking killing myself!  The other day I was laying on my back doing NOTHING and I couldn't breathe.  Seriously?!? It takes nothing to make me short of breath?  I'm only 27!  I would be so embarrassed to die of an obesity related heart attack because when you break it down, it's a death caused by refusing to stop eating.  I can imagine standing in line at the pearly gates next to some hero that drowned to ave a little girl.  After telling his heroic tale, he asks me how I died.  My response would be "I ate a lot and died"...nice.  I've tried 60bajillion ways to lose weight, but I'm gonna try again.  This time I'm creating an online journal with pics of my tubby town body to keep me accountable.  I am hoping to find out what will finally work for me and what will finally turn on that light bulb inside of me to lose and keep it off.  I'm going to do weekly weigh-ins and in the middle of that time, tell you more about me and what got me to this point.  I hope I can make you laugh and maybe make you cry.  And ultimately end up on Good Morning America to claim my 15 minutes of fame.  Hell, 15 HOURS of fame because I deserve it, DARN IT!  So follow me and watch this fat chick struggle with and maybe even win this epic weight loss battle.


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